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Clinic for anterior eye segment and cataract

Cataract or cataract is the most common cause of blindness in people, but at the same time it is also a disease that can be operated on very successfully. It is necessary to monitor the development of cataracts and other possible consequences that it has, and to make a timely decision about the moment and type of operation that is most favorable for the person in question. A long wait for an operation can cause significant consequences and stress and disturbances in everyday life due to poor vision, but equally an operation that is performed too soon does not bring the desired benefit. After the examination, the condition of your eye will be explained in detail and good recommendations will be given for further treatment.

Cataract Surgery
ambulanta za prednji očni segment i kataraktu: Service

Senjska St. 39 A, Karlovac, Croatia

ambulanta za prednji očni segment i kataraktu: Contact
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